President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony is being moved indoors due to a bitter cold snap, with temperatures expected to be in the teens and low 20s on Monday.
The inauguration ceremony for President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect JD Vance will take place inside the Capitol due to dangerously low temperatures.
Trump Announces Inauguration Move Indoors
President-elect Donald Trump announced on social media that he has ordered the inauguration address, prayers, and other speeches to be delivered in the United States Capitol Rotunda. This decision was made due to an Arctic blast sweeping the country, with temperatures expected to be in the teens and low 20s on Monday.
The U.S. Capitol Rotunda is a large space under the Capitol dome that is typically used for congressional ceremonies and celebrations. Trump said that dignitaries and other VIP guests will be brought into the Rotunda, but space will be extremely limited. The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies stated that the vast majority of ticketed guests will not be able to attend the ceremonies in person.
A Look Back at Reagan’s 1985 Inauguration
This is not the first time an inauguration has been moved indoors due to cold weather. President Ronald Reagan was sworn in inside the Capitol Rotunda in 1985, when it was 7 degrees outside with wind chills making it feel far colder than 0 degrees.
Inaugural Parade and Balls to Take Place Indoors

The inaugural parade will also be held indoors at Washington’s Capital One Arena in downtown Washington. The three inaugural balls will take place inside the arena as well, providing a warm and safe environment for attendees.
Trump’s Statement on Inauguration Move
President-elect Trump stated that he does not want to see people hurt or injured due to the freezing temperatures. He added that it is dangerous conditions for law enforcement, first responders, police K9s, and even horses, as well as hundreds of thousands of supporters. The Capital One Arena will be open for a live viewing of the inaugural address, and Trump said he would visit the arena after being sworn-in at the Capitol.
Alternate Plans for Visitors
Alternate plans will be required for those visitors who were expecting to watch the ceremonies on the National Mall or on the grounds of the US Capitol. The move indoors means a much more limited capacity at Monday’s swearing-in for Trump, but other inaugural events, including his rally on Sunday and three separate official inaugural balls on Monday evening, will take place as planned.
A Brief History of Inauguration Weather
In 1841, then-President William Henry Harrison gave the longest inauguration speech in US history in cold, wet conditions. He caught a cold and subsequently pneumonia, and died exactly one month later, making his presidency the shortest in US history.