Lauren Conrad and other Laguna Beach reality show stars reunited for their 20-year high school reunion, showcasing the cast’s enduring friendships. Despite pursuing different careers after the show ended, they have remained close over the years, often staying in touch through social media.
Description of the Event
Quotes from the Cast Members
Lauren Conrad wrote on her Instagram Story that she had “so much fun celebrating our 20-year (!!!) high school reunion last night.”
Alex Murrel exclusively told Us Weekly in November 2022, “They’re all my best friends still… People think it’s crazy that you actually keep friends from high school. And I think it’s a really beautiful thing because it was such a small town that we are still all in touch.”
Photos and Videos
Lauren Conrad shared photos of her cocktail, which featured a decorative honeycomb, and photos from the event on her Instagram Story.
The cast members who attended the reunion include Lauren Conrad, Trey Phillips, Dieter Schmitz, and others. News Article
Background on Laguna Beach Reality Show
The reality show “Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County” was launched in 2004 by MTV. It focused on the personal lives of then-high schoolers Stephen Colletti, Lauren Conrad, Kristin Cavallari, Lo Bosworth, and more. The show was originally set to be a short-lived series but gained popularity, spawning spinoffs “The Hills” and “The City.”
Cast’s Post-Show Lives
After the show ended, the cast members went their separate ways, attending different colleges and starting their careers. However, they have remained in touch with each other over the years.
Quotes from Alex Murrel and Lauren Olsen
According to Alex Murrel, a former “Laguna Beach” star, the cast has managed to stay close despite going their separate ways. Murrel stated that it’s not uncommon for high school friends to remain in touch and that the show’s reunion is an exciting opportunity for them to catch up.
Lauren Olsen, another “Laguna Beach” alum, noted that she primarily keeps up with her former classmates via social media.
Photos from the Reunion
Lauren Conrad shared photos from the reunion on her Instagram Story, including a picture of herself with a decorative honeycomb cocktail and a photo of Trey Phillips, Lauren Conrad, and Dieter Schmitz. She also posted about how beautiful the night was and thanked @hotellagunaweddingsandevents for hosting them.
Related Articles
The article includes links to related articles, including “Laguna Beach” Cast: Where Are They Now? and 23 Most Memorable Moments From ‘The Hills’.
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